Who we are

We are theater people. We have worked in theater for many years in different areas and know the ups and downs, the opportunities and difficulties that this particular professional field brings.

And since we know - not least through our longstanding joint Theapolis work - how important solidarity and transparency are in our industry, we invite you to benefit from our experience and our huge theater network.

Janine Thoenelt
Janine Thoenelt
Management and memberships
Karen Suender
Karen Suender
News and KIBA
Kay Ramczyk
Kay Ramczyk
Head of Content Management
Sören Fenner
Sören Fenner
Consulting and cooperation
Mikiko Fenner
Mikiko Fenner
Job market and graphic design

What we want

Since its founding in 2000 as theaterjobs.de, Theapolis has become the largest platform for theater professionals in German-speaking countries and thus the most important mouthpiece for the industry.

By theater professionals for theater professionals: Welcome to our network!

Working in the theater - whether on or backstage - is something special. As old theater hands, we know that only too well. We want to support you on your career path - in such a way that you can concentrate on the essentials: Making theater. We want to make sure that you no longer miss out on the valuable industry information that you need for this. We want transparency, solidarity and good networking in our industry. That's why we cooperate with other institutions and professional associations, such as Crew United or the ensemble-netzwerk. With our Theapolis canteen we offer you a virtual exchange and consulting platform. EiBeing a member of Theapolis means being part of the largest industry network in the German-speaking theater world and benefiting directly from our expert knowledge and our wide reach in the theater world.


Transparency and fairness: over 800 theater and stage jobs every month

We want you to always be as fully informed as possible about what's going on in your job market. That's why we offer you the largest theater job market in the German-speaking world. More than 20,000 theater companies, ensembles and cultural institutions regularly post their stage jobs on Theapolis - even those that the German Stage Association does not show. We make sure that all jobs are up-to-date and paid. That's why we check the advertisements personally. In addition, we scour the net for interesting job offers for you, so that you really don't miss any chance. Transparency and fairness are important to us. That's why our theater job market is the only one where advertisers have to disclose compensation information.


The memory of the theater world: theater production database Thea

Our theater production database Thea is growing steadily. Over 100,000 theater productions are listed there so far, and more are added every day - making Thea a living history of theater. And because you are also a part of it, every theater production in which you have participated, as soon as you enter it in your profile, is automatically shown in Thea - and from there, every interested person can access your Theapolis profile with just one click. Thea is not only useful, but also fun: You want to find out which premieres are coming up soon? Ask Thea! You are looking for a substitute for your project? Ask Thea! You want to know what your colleagues have been up to in the last few years? Or do you need an overview of which plays have been staged most often? Ask Thea!


Visibility and reach: your Theapolis profile

We want you to be able to show what makes you and your work tick - as comprehensively as possible and yet without much effort. Visibility is essential in our industry. As the largest platform for theater professionals, Theapolis is the central point of contact for employers to find qualified new employees. Many first search for suitable candidates under People before posting their jobs. It is estimated that 30% of our jobs are filled directly through the profiles. That's why your Theapolis profile is your most important tool to be visible and findable as a theater professional in the industry. The more detailed you fill it with information, the greater your reach - even outside Theapolis, e.g. in search engines.


Know more: News, adviser, Gagenspiegel, Kantine

We want you to stay well informed without having to do a lot of research. Our news not only keeps you constantly up to date on the most important events in the theater world. They are also a compass for what is currently moving the industry. What we report on is relevant - and often has an influence on cultural policy. In the "Ratgeber" news section, you will also regularly find helpful articles on the topics of finance, law, subsidies, etc. In order for you to be confident and relaxed when negotiating your fees, we will advise you individually and personally - with our Gagenspiegel. Exclusive first-hand insider tips on solo financing and speculative applications are only available in our KIBA, for which we interview artistic directors on these very topics every year (together with the young ensemble network). In our Theapolis-Kantine you can choose your own topics, exchange ideas with colleagues and support each other. In addition, we regularly organize SPECIAL canteens in which experts answer your questions. So: before you search the internet, contact Theapolis right away ;-)


Finding new colleagues: If not here, where else?

We want you to find colleagues who fit you and your company. Theapolis is exactly the right place to go, because here are the theater professionals you are looking for. We are happy to advise you on how best to reach your desired target group or how to formulate job advertisements in a non-discriminatory manner. On Theapolis you can introduce yourself as an employer - directly into the industry and with all the information that is important for future colleagues: Who are we? What kind of theater do we do? How is our house equipped? etc. In addition, you have your own theater profile with us, which you can easily manage as a team. This way you can keep an eye on everything together. With a premium membership you can find trainees, interns, extras, advertise for workshops and master classes - and of course read our premium news - because they´re also interesting for employers!
